Research Project
DigEUCit // A Digital Europe for Citizens // Constitutional and policymaking challenges

Leading Researcher: Graça Enes

O DigEUCit // A Digital Europe for Citizens // Constitutional and policymaking challenges é um projeto que tem por objetivo melhorar o ensino e a investigação de excelência relativamente à ‘Europa Digital’ e aos desafios constitucionais e de policymaking que ela coloca. Ao mesmo tempo que promove o diálogo, o debate e a troca de ideais entre diferentes grupos-alvo e stakaholders a nível local, nacional e internacional, o projeto foca-se nos cidadãos. Assim, o DigEuCit assenta nos desafios, nos riscos e nos desenvolvimentos jurídicos e políticos no âmbito da Estratégia Digital Europeia, do Mercado Único Digital e do Espaço Europeu de Dados, ao mesmo tempo que se concentra nos direitos fundamentais, na cidadania digital, na democracia e nos valores europeus, bem como na digitalização, nas políticas públicas e na cibersegurança.

1 September 2022/...

Research Project
gLAWbalHEALTH - Law and Global Health

Leading Researcher: Rute Teixeira Pedro / Anabela Costa Leão

A polyhedral concept, difficult to define and insusceptible to static delimitation, health is a reality that is not reduced to the mere absence of disease, but rather represents “a state of complete physical, psychological and social well-being”, in the terms defined by the WHO, demanding the consideration of individual and collective dimensions.

November 2022 /

Research Project
InJUSTiceWar " Crime and justice administration in the Portuguese colonial war (1961- 1974): exploratory analysis of the criminal proceedings against combatants of the Portuguese Armed Forces in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau"

Leading Researcher: Fátima Rodrigues

The InJUSTiceWar " Crime and justice administration in the Portuguese colonial war (1961- 1974): exploratory analysis of the criminal proceedings against combatants of the Portuguese Armed Forces in Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau", led by Professor Fátima Rodrigues, is underway at CIJ/FDUP.

12 March 2023/11 Semptember 2024

Research Project
Predatory Publishing Practices: Paper Tigers or Actual Threats from Evaluation Systems?

Leading Researcher: Rita Faria

CIJ/FDUP is a partner in the project "Predatory Publishing Practices: Paper Tigers or Actual Threats from Evaluation Systems?", a pioneering study on predatory practices in the field of scientific publishing.

1 September 2024/...

Research Project
PROTECT-C (Protective Factors Against Antisocial Behavior in Socioeconomically Vulnerable Children and Youth)

Leading Researcher: Margarida Santos

The PROTECT-C project aims to investigate how schools, families, and residential areas can protect against the development of antisocial behavior in children and young people living in socio-economically deprived areas.


27 June 2023 / 27 December 2024

Research & Inovation Project
Sensitive Industry

Leading Researcher: José Reis (Coordinator of the FDUP/CIJ Team)

The "Sensitive Industry" innovation project, in which the CIJ/FDUP is a partner, aims to bring Artificial Intelligence into factories around the world, with the aim of developing new technological solutions to improve the efficiency, quality and cost of industrial production.

1 April 2021 / 31 August 2025

Research Project
SUCCEED – How is the behavior of others able of shaping our own? Community violence and children’s misconduct

Leading Researcher: Gilda Santos

The SUCCEED project aims to investigate how exposure to violent behavior in the community affects the development of aggressive and delinquent behavior in children and young people. Additionally, the project will explore the indirect effects of various contextual and individual variables on this relationship.

27 June 2023 / 27 December 2024

The shape of law to come

Leading Researcher: Maria Regina Redinha

“The Shape of Law to Come” is a comprehensive project of thematic broad range that combines the following lines:
1. It’s a wonderful (digital) world: Law in a digital and technological society
2. Vulnerability and diversity: fundamental rights in context
3. Economic effects of family in the 21st century
4. Tax Evasion in Portugal: The Relationship between Taxpayers and Tax Authority

January 2018 /

"The Shape of Law to Come"
1. It’s a wonderful (digital) world: Law in a digital and technological society

Leading Researcher: Rute Teixeira Pedro / Maria Raquel Guimarães

The technological developments of the last decades have deeply changed everyday life from the family and individual spheres into the professional and collective spheres. In many fields, the signs of this new age are clearly noticed and continuously challenge law. 

January 2018 /

"The Shape of Law to Come"
3. Economic effects of family in the 21st century

Leading Researcher: Helena Mota / Rute Teixeira Pedro

​In the last decades, there have been significant changes in family forms and in the legal framework applicable to them. As a consequence, it is important to reflect on the patrimonial component of family legal relations. Bearing in mind marital relationship, affiliation relationship and de facto union relationships, we will consider the signs of a persistent patrimonialisation of the family.

January 2018 /

Research Project
Common Home of Humanity

Leading Researcher: Paulo Magalhães

Science has shown that what is at stake is not “saving the planet”, but rather ensuring the continued favourable state of the Earth System for humanity. That means that a planet beyond the favourable state cannot serve as our “Common Home”. Scientific knowledge has already identified the control variables that determine the state of this system, the so-called "Planet Boundaries", which define the Safe Operating Space for Humanity. This qualitative and quantitative space for security is intangible and non-territorial, and constitutes our real Global Common. 

Research Project
Street Art/Right to the City

Leading Researcher: Maria Raquel Guimarães


January 2018/

Research Project
The Impact of Legal Research on Supreme Court Decisions; Contribution to an assessment of the practical relevance of legal studies

Leading Researcher: Maria Raquel Guimarães

Bibliometrics, assessments of scientific performance and, generally, the more or less objective or subjective methods of assessing the research work produced by legal professionals are topics that have recently preoccupied academia, research centers, researchers and postgraduate students. The importation of methods, formulas, and systems from the exact sciences into the world of legal research seems to be ineluctably imposed, and the need to adapt the way we have worked over many decades appears to be a reality with no way back.

January 2019 /