VicTory: Restorative and victim-centred approach to mitigate hate and (violent) extremism

Leading Researcher: Inês Sousa Guedes

CIJ/FDUP is a partner in the project VicTory: Restorative and victim-centred approach to mitigate hate and (violent) extremism, whose main goal is to contribute to the effective implementation of legislation and practices that protect victim’s rights, adequately support victims throughout the process, and avoid secondary victimization.
This study aims (1) to build a victim-centred approach to the support of victims of hate crimes and (violent) extremism-related incidents; (2) to improve the effective application of legislation and good practices, such as restorative-led, to uphold victims’ rights, mitigating secondary victimization; (3) to enhance the capacities, intervention, support, and cooperation of key practitioners when working with victims of hate crimes and (violent) extremism-related incidents.
The project is funded with approximately €500,000 by the European Commission's JUSTICE programme and is led by the Fundacion Euroarabe de Altos Estudios (Spain), in collaboration with Ararteko (Spain), IPS Innovative Prison Systems (Portugal), Associazione Carcere e Territorio Onlus (Italy), Magyar Helsinki Bizottsag (Hungary), Associação ILGA Portugal (Portugal), Map Finland (Finland) and CIJ/FDUP. CIJ team will be led by Inês Sousa Guedes, and includes CIJ researchers Pedro Sousa, Margarida Santos and Samuel Moreira. The study will last two years and will enable the hiring of research fellows in Criminology.