Sensitive Industry

Leading Researcher: José Reis (Coordinator of the FDUP/CIJ Team)

The CIJ/FDUP team, led by José Reis, also includes Rute Teixeira Pedro, Maria Raquel Guimarães, Rodrigo Rocha Andrade, Luísa Eckenroth Moreira and Inês Neves.

The project will attempt to provide a legal framework for the results of research into new ways of optimising the operation of a "factory floor" through the use of digital sensors, in the fields of labour relations, personal data protection and civil liability.

This partnership, which involves the German multinational Bosch, the University of Porto - through the Faculty of Engineering, the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences and the CIJ/FDUP - and International Iberian Nanotechnology, has an investment of 10 million euros, to be implemented by 2025, supported by national funds, with the support of COMPETE 2020.