
Carlos Sarmento

Integrated Researcher

Criminal (and analysis) Investigation: offences against property, drugs trafficking and money laundering (ML); analysis of ML, Terrorism Financing (TF),  financing of weapons of mass destruction and financial Intelligence.

 Chief Inspector of an International Cooperation Squad.

As a teacher– Among others, taught at the following schools: Criminal Police School, Banking Training Institute, Universidade Autonoma de Lisboa (UAL University) and European Police College. More over, he has been conducting seminars at the Coimbra Business school and other portuguese universities.

He was a speaker and a moderator in various matters relating to ML/TF, in several domestic (Criminal Police, financial and non-financial system, Bar Association) and international courses, seminars and congresses.His teaching also enlarged to investigators of various Criminal Police Bodies, magistrates, lawyers, registrars and other non-financial operators. And at multiple international seminars and working groups (United Nations, FATF-GAFI, Egmont Group, CEPOL, TAIEX, etc.) of ML / TF.

He was Portuguese representative and advisor at  ythe Financial Action Task Force FATF/GAFI, in the Egmont Group; and within the framework of various programmes of the European Commission (examples: TAIEX and AGIS); he was european representative at the Europaid, for the programme ‘Anti Money Laundering in West Africa’; posted in East Timor, where he acted as mentor and assistant of the Scientific Criminal Investigation Police.

He has published some 'articles' om ML/TF. Also is coauthor of a book on the same subject.
