Patrícia Alexandra Paiva Duarte
Keywords Payment initiation services; third party providers; open banking; data protection; consent; unauthorized payment transactions; strong authentication.
Rosa Barceló Compte
Keywords Digital content; digital services; consumer; right of withdrawal; distance contract.
Ana Clara Azevedo de Amorim
Keywords Trade marks; vulgarization; distinctive capacity; licences; cancellation; sports.
David Falcão
Keywords Essential public services; electronic comunications; protection of the user; suspension of the service for non-payment; prescription; lapse.
Joana Costa Lopes / Chen Chen
Keywords Startups; innovation; funding; crowdfunding; venture capital; Initial Coin Offerings; securities.
Ana Clara Azevedo de Amorim
Keywords trade mark; declaration of invalidity; unfair commercial practices; confusion; competitors; consumers.
Alexandre Ferreira de Assumpção Alves / Leonardo Renne Silva Teixeira
Keywords Distributed Ledger Technology; Stock Exchange; Blockchain; Stock trading; Stock post-trading.
Anne Gabriele Alves Guimarães / Isabele Bandeira de Moraes D’Angelo
Keywords Contemporary Slavery; Dirty list; Neoliberalism; Precariousness; Social dumping; Boycott.
Delber Pinto Gomes
Keywords Smart Contracts; Blockchain; Financial Sector; Fintech; Contract Law; Commerce.
Fernanda Muraro Bonatto
Keywords European International Private Law; European regulation Rome III; Divorce and legal separation; Private autonomy in family law
Ana Sílvia Falcão Mestre Efigénia
Keywords False statements; corporate governance; comply or explain; legal effect; ex post; soft law
Carolina França Barreira
Keywords Home banking; bank; computer fraud; phishing; access codes; payment services
José Manuel Coelho Dias Fernandes
Keywords network neutrality; internet neutrality; internet access provider; zero rate; telecommunications law; information society; internet governance; cyberlaw; IT law; online equivalence; free speech; open internet
Ana Sofia Carvalho
Keywords European Union; Pensions; Green and White Papers
Mª Mercedes Curto Polo
Breeders’ rights; Plant Patents; Biotechnological inventions; plant varieties; agricultural innovation.
Francisco Liberal Fernandes
Keywords Directive 1999/70; framework agreement on fixed-term work concluded ETUC/UNICE/CEEP; scope of application; social policy; approximation of the national legislations; measures to prevent abuse of successive fixed-term employment contracts; prohibition of a reduction of the general level of protection
João Nuno Barros
Keywords commercial companies; finance; investment.
Haymanot Baheru
Ana Sofia Carvalho
Keywords IElderly; Taxation; Income; Tax benefits
Patrícia Guerra
Keywords framework contract; payment instrument; payment service provider; payment service user; unauthorised payment transaction; liability.