Francisco Liberal Fernandes
Keywords emphyteusis; long lease; adverse possession; Decree-Law no. 195-A/76; Constitution; fair compensation; tenancy.
Manuel Tomás Alexandre Diogo Tchakamba
Keywords Removal/dismissal without (fair) cause; compensation; directors; companies; Angolan legal system.
Victória Rocha
Keywords Right of making available to the public; performances; WIPO Treaties 1996; Information Society Directive; Performers
David López Jiménez
Keywords Law; regulation; responsibility; robots; technology.
L. Miguel Pestana de Vasconcelos
Keywords Typical Guarantes; atypical guarantes; company law; commercial law; banking law; finance
Antonio Lopo Martinez
Keywords Common Corporate Tax Base; IFRS; Tax Principles; Tax Accounting.
Salomão António Muressama Viagem
Keywords Function; distinctive; mark; enlargement; reduction; meaning.
Juliana Visentin Ferreira Marreco
Keywords Sanctions; International Commerce; International Private Law; Cryptocurrencies.
Davi de Paiva Costa Tangerino, Juan Pablo Montiel, Henrique Olive
Keywords White Collar Crime; Administrative Penalties; Criminal Liability of Legal Persons; Corruption; Compliance; Comparative Law.
Dan Wei
Keywords Brazil; China; trade remedies; antidumping decree; public interest
Helena Mota
Keywords European Union; Private International Law; Conflicts of Law; international family relationships; international succession; professio iuris
Dámaso Javier Vicente Blanco
Keywords Privatización de la cultura; protección de la cultura popular; propiedad intelectual; bienes comunes; Convención de la UNESCO de 2003; proyecto de Disposiciones/Artículos de la OMPI, 2004-2014; apropiación indebida de la cultura popular; entidades de gestión colectiva (EGC); Directiva 2014/26/UE
J. A. Mouteira Guerreiro
Keywords Possession; adverse possession; registry; property; rights; publicity
Carmen Ruiz Hidalgo
Keywords Intra-community acquisitions; Theory of Knowledge; VAT; Tax Fraud; Denial of the right to deduct
Renato Lovato Neto / Lourival Oliveira
Keywords State interventions; Limits to Brazilian government interventions; Brazilian economic constitution; Human labour dignity.
Salomão António Muressama Viagem
Brand; olfactory; graphic representation; Mozambique; Industrial Property Code; new brands.
João António Bahia de Almeida Garrett
Keywords Commercial Code; reform of the commercial law; object of the commercial law; definition criterion; innovations; strengths; weaknesses.
Judith Solé Resina
Keywords Informed consent; rights to health; disability; patient rights; medical treatment; consent by proxy
Maria Raquel Guimarães
Keywords residential tenancy; tenant death; NRAU; Portuguese law; art. 1106.º; art. 57.
Maria Victória Rocha
Keywords 3D printing; copyright protected work; infringement of moral and patrimonial copyrights; protection measures; free uses; makers movement.