YEAR 2014 N.º 2

ISSN 2182-9845

2014 N.º 2

Helena Mota

A responsabilidade de escrever um editorial neste número da RED, um ano volvido sobre o seu lançamento, é naturalmente acrescida mas, de modo igual, gratificante.
Na sua apresentação, em Junho de 2013, a RED definiu-se como uma publicação de divulgação de estudos jurídicos nas áreas das ciências jurídico-empresariais e jurídico-económicas.
Poder-se-á estranhar, por isso, a inclusão neste número de textos que tratam de matérias com pendor marcadamente jurídico-civilista e jurídico-familiar. Significará isto, na perspectiva do leitor, um desvio à sua linha editorial? Assumirá a RED que, afinal, nem tudo o que importa “it´s economics”? Ou, pelo contrário, concede-se que nenhuma matéria jurídica é, hoje, e em especial et pour cause em tempos de escassez, destituída de impacte económico?

Public-Private Partnerships in Health: Analysis and reflection about the economics and financial aspects

Isa António

Public-Private Partnerships; Sustainability, Efficiency; “Value for Money”; “Public Comparator Sector”; National Health Service; Health; Social State

This study aims to address the economic and financial aspects of public- private partnerships in the health sector. In the first part of this article, we define and characterize the legal concept of public-private partnerships, referring its origins and main goals for which was conceived and created. Secondly, we proceed to a developed analysis concerning of the legal, economic and financial aspects of the public-private partnership’s model. With this purpose we explain the meaning of the economic concepts of “Value for Money” and “Public Comparator Sector”, and the relevance to the conclusion of PPP contracts by the State, instead other traditional forms of procurement.

The elderly and the taxation of income in 2014

Ana Sofia Carvalho

IElderly; Taxation; Income; Tax benefits

This article aims to analyze, in 2014, the main rules affecting the taxation of seniors in income, according to an approach made ​​to the Tax Code on the Personal Income and the Tax Benefits Statute. Simultaneously a brief analysis of the tax benefits of related entities with the elderly (e.g. pension funds) shall be made, along with a very brief reference to the taxation of some important goods and services to the senior within Value Added Tax (VAT).

Autonomy and economic aspects on coexistence and possible crisis of de facto partnership in Spain

Guillermo Cerdeira Bravo de Mansilla

Marriage; de facto partnership; analogy

De facto partnership: inapplicability of marriage law to de facto partnership by analogy "legis".

The principle of preservation of economic activities and the interpretation of the business recovery law

Fábio Ulhoa Coelho

Legal principles; Preservation of economic activities; Interpretation of the law; Recovery of companies in crisis; Brazilian Law

The Brazilian Law regarding companies in crisis should be applied under the orientation of the principle of preservation of economic activities. But it must be balanced in order to avoid distortions in the objectives of the institute and legal uncertainty that jeopardizes the business environment in Brazil.

Poverty and Law

Francisco Liberal Fernandes

Poverty; social exclusion; unemployment; legal prejudices; international law

Analysis of some legal concepts and mechanisms that embody poverty and of certain normative preconceptions about the poor.

Some notes on the Portuguese Act on Late Payment in commercial transactions (DL 62/2013, 10.05)

Maria Raquel Guimarães

Late payment; interests; Directive 2011/7/EU; DCFR; commercial contracts

This paper gives some first reflections on the Portuguese Act on Late Payment in commercial transactions (DL 62/2013, 10.05). After pointing the abysmal differences between payment periods in north and south European countries, the paper focuses on the role assumed both by the legislator and the judge conforming freedom of contract in commercial transactions. The major measures introduced by the new Act are pointed out — as payment schedules and unfair contractual terms — and a special reference is made to the relation existing between the Draft Common Frame of Reference and the Directive 2011/7/EU.

The right to decide on their own health. Special reference to the disabled

Judith Solé Resina

Informed consent; rights to health; disability; patient rights; medical treatment; consent by proxy

The regulatory landscape concerning patient rights is really complex. In recent years they have been thriving multitude of rules of international , national and regional level governing the matter . In light of the United Nations Convention of 13 December 2006 on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities be ruled out , start, the ability to consent to treatment or medical intervention may be granted by representation or substitution and review the cases covered by the laws that exist in the Spanish territory , and also by the state Basic Law 41/2002 of 14 November, regulating patient autonomy and rights and obligations of clinical information and documentation . The guarantee of the exercise of this right offer corresponding rule of law passes to facilitate everyone measures necessary assistance and support to enable their proper exercise.

Book Review of Espiniella Menendez, A.: Las reclamaciones derivadas de accidentes de circulación por carretera transfronterizos (Claims from cross-border road traffic accidents), Fundación MAPFRE Instituto de Ciencias del Seguro, Madrid, 2012, 287 pp.

Jaime Rodriguez Medal

Insurance claims; cross-border traffic accidents; free movement of persons; victims and injuries; insurers; responsibilities

Book Review of ESPINIELLA MENENDEZ, A.: Las reclamaciones derivadas de accidentes de circulación por carretera transfronterizos (Claims from cross-border road traffic accidents), Fundación MAPFRE Instituto de Ciencias del Seguro, Madrid, 2012, 287 pp. (ISBN: 978-84-9844-374-5).