
Maria Regina Redinha

Integrated Researcher

Graduate and post-graduate studies: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra – Faculty of Law - University of Coimbra.
PhD: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto –University of Porto.
Current position: 
Professor at Porto Law Faculty for Labour and Civil Law
Researcher of CIJ (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice).
Research Fields: 
Employment and Labour Law, mainly atypical employment, digital workplace, worker’s fundamental and personal rights, including protection against mobbing at the workplace, impact of technology on the working conditions and the right to equality and non discrimination.
On-going research:  
Labour Law implications of the digital workplace.
On-line platform work and employment contract qualification.
Comprehensive study of the atypical employment in Portugal and monographic study of special employment contracts, such as temporary work (agency work), work in the performing arts industry and intermittent work, flexible employment and its legal implications.
Maritime Labour Law.

Other activities: 
Coordinator of Research Projects;
Portuguese Labour Law Review editor (“Questões Laborais”);
Editorial Board of RED – Revista Electrónica de Direito;
Chairperson of Portuguese Labour Law Society (APODIT); 
Member of Labour Law Studies Society (AEL);
Director of PAHCS – Platform for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Porto
National and international conference presentations
Peer reviewer.
More than 50 publications including Books on Temporary Work, Atypical Employment and Portuguese Labour Legislation; Chapters in Law Books both Portuguese and International, especially in Spanish; Papers in leading Portuguese Law Reviews and Journals.
