RED - Electronic Law Review celebrates 10 years!

In June 2013, the first edition of RED was published.

This new journal - free, "dematerialized", open access -, intended to be a plural, multicultural space, welcoming contributions from inside and outside the European space and promoting the encounter of distinct perspectives, expressed in different languages.

We can say that these goals were achieved, after 31 editions and the publication of around 230 articles submitted to double-blind peer review, from very different countries, in addition to critical reviews and inspired editorials by distinguished guest editors. New paths have been troden, never  before trodden among us by legal journals - traditionally published on paper, without open access and without peer review processes - which have since been followed by others. We have overcome the test of persistence (stubbornness, some would say) and today RED is recognised as a serious and innovative journal, in which, as if by chance, editing proposals are combined in each issue in an appealing and diverse composition.

After 10 years, we will try to reach out further, to a larger and more diverse audience, to attract more authors and even greater quality of published texts. We want to continue to count on the generous and selfless collaboration of our reviewers, who carry out a work that is only perceptible in the articles that make up each issue and hidden in many texts that are not published. We want to be able to count on the energy and will to innovate of young researchers and on the thoughtful knowledge of experienced academics. We want to reach where the internet can reach. And the internet reaches everywhere. That's where you'll find us.
