YEAR 2021 N.º 3

ISSN 2182-9845

Third party rights to reinsurance agreement under Brazilian law: a study on facultative civil liability insurance

Mariana Cavalcanti Jardim


Insurance; Facultative civil liability insurance; Reinsurance; Third party; Cut-through Clause; Lawsuit.


Despite the impossibility to, under Brazilian law, as a rule, an insured or aggrieved third party seek payment of insurance indemnity directly from a reinsurer, it is recurrent the inclusion of reinsurers as defendants in lawsuits, especially in cases involving the purchase of facultative civil liability insurance. As a result of legislative, jurisprudential, bibliographical and documentary research, this study aims to shed light on the relationships and obligations established by reinsurance agreements and reject this unlawful practice at once. This is done through an initial dive into the insurance relationship and the facultative civil liability insurance and through the review of the particularities of reinsurance and the features that differ it from insurance, to, ultimately, reinforce the initial statement that served as a premise for this work.