YEAR 2019 N.º 1 Volume 18
ISSN 2182-9845
Alfredo Ferrante
“Paths are made by walking”: Towards a coordination between the effective buyer's interests protection and the programmed obsolescence.
Although there is still generally no consolidated awareness of the legal and social implications of planned obsolescence (an example of this is the poor regulation of the phenomenon), this is not a recent manifestation.
Nelsone David Bechane Chapananga
Local authority; financial autonomy; sustainability.
Formally the Mozambican Constitution (CRM) creates the local authorities in the condition of surviving at the expense of own revenues collected within its territory and managed autonomously by the respective organs. However, considering the 20 years of the existence of municipalities, we have the desire to find out if the Municipal Council of the City of Nampula (CMCN) already enjoys, legally and materially, the financial autonomy constitutionally foreseen.
Anne Gabriele Alves Guimarães / Isabele Bandeira de Moraes D’Angelo
Contemporary Slavery; Dirty list; Neoliberalism; Precariousness; Social dumping; Boycott.
The current study searches for the analysis of the labor in similar conditions than ones of slave, making a counterpoint to the concept of “decent labor” established by the international working legislations. Inside the global neoliberal concept and the productive capitalist process, there is the proposal of investigating a device in the combat of the contemporary slavery: the dirty list. Although the polemics around it, it’s believed to be an effective way to restrain degradant practices of the labor’s capacities and the human dignity by exerting strong pressure in the mart.
Carmen Herrero Suárez
Big Data; market power; algorythms; two-sided markets; privacy.
The technological revolution we have witnessed in recent years had led to the appearance of a new term within the framework of the digital economy: Big Data. The rise and consolidation of enterprises with major volumes of production based on business models that involve the gathering and processing of personal data has caused misgivings amongst the competition authorities, and has led to a conflict between defenders of the pro-competitive nature of Big Data and those who take a more sceptical view, who have warned of the possibility that these data policies may be used by companies as a tool for creating, consolidating, and extending their positions of power in the market.
Ana Moreno Sánchez-Moraleda
Regulation 2016/1103; the matrimonial property regimes; the conflict of law rules; the nearby laws.
Regulation nº 2016/1103 of the European Union (EU) on the matrimonial property regimes unifies the conflict of law rules between the Member States participating in the enhanced cooperation. In the present study, the different points of connection are analyzed to determine the applicable law: limited choice of law by the spouses, law of habitual residence or nationality of the spouses as closer laws, as well as the law of closer links or the law of last habitual residence of the spouses as an exception clause.
Mariana Mourão Reis
Private copy; fair compensation; copyright; authors; free use; right to reproduction; “levy”.
This work is an overview of the Portuguese “private copy and fair compensation” legal system, in Copyright domain, which also refers to European Union context (especially the Directive 2001/29/CE.) Fair compensation is due to compensate right holders hopefully authors and artists, for the economic impact on their revenues that private copy of protected works may cause. This copy is the one produced by a singular person, not a company. There are two main possible schemes of compensation: individual or collective (“levy”). The “levy” scheme still is the traditional form.
Marta Chantal Ribeiro / Duarte Lynce de Faria / Eliana Silva Pereira / Manuel Almeida Ribeiro / Paulo Neves Coelho / Pedro Quartin Graça / Rui Ferreira
Deep Sea Mining; Fisheries; Outer Continental Shelf; Unmanned Maritime Vehicles; Maritime Boundaries Delimitation; Maritime Law.
This article is the result of contributions provided by different authors. It starts presenting a general perspective of the current and future framework of the law of the sea in Portugal, and proceeds developing particular topics that are relevant for understanding some of the important legal challenges in forthcoming decades.