Task Force for the recognition of climate change as a common heritage of humanity - Side Event Stockholm+50

The Task Force for the recognition of Climate Change as a common heritage of humanity, of which CIJ is a member, has continued its work to promote the recognition of climate change as a common heritage of humanity. On June 2nd, as part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the first United Nations Conference on Environment - Stockholm 1972 - Stockholm+50, a Side Event took place: "Safeguarding Our Common Home - A Pathway of Hope in the Stockholm+50 Declaration", organised by several entities, among which some elements of the Mission Group.
The Portuguese Minister of Environment and Climate Action announced for the first time in an international event that Portugal has already considered in its Climate Law (Law 98/2021 of 31 December) the recognition of a Stable Climate as a Common Heritage of Humanity as an objective of its climate diplomacy.
Side Event information is available on the official website, here:
If you did not have the opportunity to watch the Side Event live, the recording is now available, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLDULS0tFrA&t=686s.
The feedback after the event has been very positive and it was already reported in the newspaper EXPRESSO, here: https://expresso.pt/sociedade/2022-06-02-Portugal-vai-promover-o-reconhecimento-do-clima-estavel-como-Patrimonio-Comum-da-Humanidade-ff390827, and in the newspaper PÚBLICO, below.