
Duarte Abrunhosa e Sousa

Integrated Researcher

Degree and Master's Degree from the Oporto University Faculty of Law. Doctor of Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Researcher at CIJ. Member of the Executive Committee of the CIELO Laboral Network. Portuguese Coordinator of the Young Scholars section of ISLSSL. Associate of APODIT.

Invited Lecturer at different universities and institutions (Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Italy, Mozambique, Argentina, United States).

He has taken part in several national and European projects for the European Commission, European Trade Union Institute, among other institutions.

Author of several scientific articles published in different countries (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Belgium, United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania, Brazil, Uruguay, United States).

Lawyer with experience in Portuguese courts and in the ECJ.

Fluent in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Areas of research: Labour and Social Security Law.


“Registo de tempos de trabalho e proteção de dados pessoais”*, Tempos de Trabalho e de Não Trabalho – O regime nacional de tempo de trabalho à luz do direito europeu e internacional, Estudos APODIT 4, AAFDL Editora 2018, p. 117-157,(Portugal)" 

"The Role of Social Employment Clauses not to Compete in a Global Economy*,The Balance between Worker Protection and Employer Powers: Insights from around the World, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 421-432 - autor e co-editor do livro (Reino Unido)" 

"Digital Work and Personal Data Protection – Key Issues for the Labour of the 21st Century, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018 – co-editor do livro (Reino Unido)" 

"Health at Work, Ageing and Environmental Effects on Future Social Security and Labour Law Systems, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018 – co-editor do livro (Reino Unido)" 

"The right to Social Security in the Portuguese Constitution, Studia z Zakresu Prawa Pracy i Polityki Społecznej, 25/2018, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu - Jagiellonskiego, 2018, p. 373-390 (Polónia)" 

"Impacto da economia colaborativa nas relações de trabalho uma discussão com fim à vista ou em claro crescimento?*, O primeiro ano de vigência da Lei 13.467/2017 – Reflexões e aspetos práticos, Coord. Fabiano Zavanella e Marcelo Oliveira Rocha, 1.ª Edição, LTR, 2018 – p. 156-165 (Brasil) 

"Educação e carácter empreendedor como forma de inclusão dos trabalhadores jovens*, Libro del centenario da le OIT, Coord. Thereza Nahas Fernando Fita Ortega, Aranzadi, 2018 – p. 357-368 Espanha" 

"Impacts of the Collaborative Economy in Work Relations: A Growing Process or Already Broken Down?*, The Sharing Economy: Legal Problems of a Permutations and Combinations Society, Org. Maria Regina Redinha, Maria Raquel Guimarães e Francisco Liberal Fernandes, Cambrigde Scholars Publishing, 2019 p. 388-409 (Reino Unido)" 
