Conference "Hate Crimes in Spain from a Criminological Perspective"

FDUP (Anf. 128)

6 March 2024

CIJ, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, invites you to the Conference "Hate Crimes in Spain from a Criminological Perspective", featuring Luís Miguel Sánchez Gil (Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Salamanca & Vice-Dean of the Department for Analysing Criminal Conduct) and that will take place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (Anf. 128) and via Zoom ( on March, 6th, 2024, at 2.30pm (GMT), and attendance is free. Prof. Rita Faria (Assistant Professor at FDUP and Researcher at CIJ) will chair the session.
The conference will address the phenomenology of hate crimes in Spain from a criminological perspective. Firstly, an approach will be made to the configuration of hate crimes in Spanish legislation, their reality and dimension. It will then go on to deal with specific issues related to the criminal and the victim (profiles, procedural treatment, etc.). To conclude with the objects of study, current work on the social control of these crimes will be presented. Finally, some reflections and current lines of work will be addressed.
Luís Miguel Sánchez Gil is a Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Salamanca and Vice-Dean of the Department for Analysing Criminal Conduct.