
Leandro Vasques

Junior Researcher

Criminal defense lawyer for 29 years (OAB/CE 10.698); Manager Partner in Leandro Vasques Associate Lawyers (; M.Sc. in Public Law (concentration on Criminal Law) by Federal University of Pernambuco – UFPE (2001/2002); Advisory Director at National School of Advocacy – ENA (2016 – 2018); President, Vice President and Member at  State Public Security Council of Ceará (2010 – 2018); Treasurer Director at Lawyers' Assistance Fund of Ceará – CAACE (2007 – 2009); President at Lawyers' Assistance Fund of Ceará (2010/2012); Member of State Public Prison Council of Ceará for 12 consecutive years and President for two terms; Postgraduate Professor at University of Fortaleza (Unifor) in the area of Criminal Procedure; Cooperating Professor at Higher School of Law of Ceará – FESAC since 1998; Taught as Guest Professor at State Public Security Academy of Ceará (AESP/CE). 
