
Pedro Jorge Magalhães

Integrated Researcher

  • Degree in Law (1992, Universidade Católica Portuguesa), Master's Degree in Law - Legal and Private Sciences (2012, Faculty of Law of the University of Porto) and PhD in Law (2018, Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, with a Thesis on on "Corporate Governance and the Sustainability of the Company - Stakeholders Model versus Shareholders Model").
  • Researcher at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice (CIJ) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto and external reviewer of RED - Electronic Law Review of the CIJ.
  • Lawyer, member of the Portuguese Bar Association since 1994, director of the Legal Department of Corticeira Amorim, Company Secretary and Compliance Officer. He is also a member of the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the General Meeting Board in various Portuguese and foreign entities.
  • Associate of IPGC - Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance, founding associate of ZERO - Sustainable Earth System Association and the Common Home of Humanity Association, being included in the Legal 500's General Counsel Powerlist Iberia / Portugal since 2017.

  • MAGALHÃES, Pedro Jorge. (2012). Direcção  Unitária  em  Prejuízo  dos Interesses  da  Sociedade  Dominada. Dissertação de Mestrado. Repositório aberto da Universidade do Porto.
  • MAGALHÃES, Pedro Jorge. (2019). Governo Societário e Sustentabilidade da Empresa – Stakeholders model vs Shareholders Model, AlmedinaCoimbra.
