
Carlos Arroyo Abad

Collaborator Researcher

Carlos Arroyo-Abad is a Doctor of Laws from the Alfonso X the Sage University and Professor of Labour Law and Social Security since 1999.

He is currently a university professor at the following institutions: Royal Escorial María Cristina University Center; Alfonso X the Sage University; International University of La Rioja; Catholic University of Avila and Camilo José Cela University (Spain), focusing his teaching activities in the areas of Labour Law, Social Security and International recruitment.

Similarly, he has been a professor at the National Police School and has contributed internationally to different courses, seminars and conferences at the Sopkia Antipolis University in Nice, France; the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia; the State University of Riga, Latvia; the University of Porto and the Portucalense University, both from Porto, Portugal; as well as the Augustinian Patristic Institute in the Vatican. 
Member of CIELO Laboral and of the AIP, he has numerous scientific publications in Spain and abroad.
