1st Hispano-Luso Meeting: DIGITAL EUROPE

Faculty of Law of the University of Porto & Online

9 and 10 March 2022

The 1st Hispano-Luso Meeting on citizens' rights in the digital world aims to draw our attention to the great changes that the Digital Era has introduced at a dizzying pace, due to unstoppable technological advances and the innovation and self-learning of systems with artificial intelligence, and to the necessary protection of citizens' fundamental rights. In view of this reality, Europe has taken the lead in actions and normative proposals regarding technological and digital innovation in the fields that most directly affect citizens' rights and interests.

Judicial protection, legal business, education and health issues are, for now, some of the aspects most affected by the harmonising action of the Union. Such Digital Europe action aims at leveraging and strengthening digital technology capabilities, covering all sectors of the economy and society, for the benefit of citizens and businesses. The opportunities of digital transformation will have to be seized and the multiple legal challenges faced. In view of technological leadership and in accordance with the fundamental rights and principles of the Union, it is advisable to develop a continuous process of analysis and reflection, not only on existing regulatory frameworks, but also on those that require updating and development, without prejudice to the need to make proposals to promote regulatory changes. Thus, on the technological drive, European standards and internal rules will have to ensure digitalisation in all sectors, in coherence with data protection, rights such as privacy, equality and non-discrimination, with consumers' rights, intellectual property rights and safeguarding private autonomy, transparency and security and trust in digitalisation.

On this premise, these Meeting aims to share the aspects that increasingly bring us together and that are very present in Jean Monnet's idea that Europe, rather than uniting States, seeks to bring people together.

The 1st Hispano-Luso Meeting will be held at the FDUP on 9th and 10th March 2022.

The event will take place via telematic and in-person, limited to the capacity of Anf. 128/Salão Nobre da FDUP.

Participation is free of charge, upon registration using the form available here.

The event will be broadcasted in the ZOOM platform, through the following access links:


