Investigadores do CIJ participam no EUROCRIM2024
Os investigadores do CIJ, Ana Morais, Gilda Santos, Samuel Moreira, Mariana Machado, Margarida Santos e Rita Faria irão participar na conferência anual da European Society of Criminology que acontece em Bucareste entre os dias 11 e 14 de Setembro. Das suas atividades, destacamos as seguintes comunicações:
- Assessing intimate partner violence legitimizing beliefs of the Portuguese Justice System agents: Implications on the investigation, prosecution and penal decision making (A. Morais, A. Lamas Leite, R. Abrunhosa Gonçalves)
- Exposure to community violence and children’s aggressive and delinquent behaviors: how are they related? Results from the SUCCEED project (G. Santos, M. Santos, J. Castro, C.S. Cardoso, D. Almeida, H.S. Gomes, I. Guedes, S. Moreira)
- PROTECT-C: Results from a national study on protective factors for antisocial behavior with Portuguese vulnerable children and youth (M. Santos, G. Santos, J. Castro, C.S. Cardoso, I. Fonseca, H.S. Gomes, S. Moreira, I. Guedes)
- What are the predictors of fear of cybercrime? An empirical study (I. Guedes, J.P. Martins, S. Moreira)
- Youth’s relationships with legal and non-legal authorities in shaping legal attitudes and delinquent behavior: a study of legal socialization in Portugal (P. Damas, S. Moreira, C.S. Cardoso)
- Predatory Publishing Practices: paper tigers or actual threats? (R. Faria, D. Stephen, E. Kulczycki, M. Reinhart)
- A sensitive and ethical approach to studying youth in refugee detention centers (I. Papadopoulos, R. Faria)
- The criminalisation of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors - Voices from the Detention Processes in Greece ((I. Papadopoulos, R. Faria, M. van Buggenhout)
- The Role of Procedural Justice in Shaping Trust and Legitimacy towards Private Security Guards among Youth (S. Moreira, I. Guedes, C.S. Cardoso)
- Assessing the role of hostile attribution in linking anger to aggressive behavior in driving context (M.S. Machado, C. Agra, C.S. Cardoso)
Estas apresentações representam vários dos trabalhos mais inovadores da Criminologia que se faz no nosso país envolvendo equipas nacionais e internacionais, incluindo a participação de estudantes do Doutoramento em Criminologia da FDUP.