The sciences have shown that what is at stake is not "saving the planet" but ensuring the maintenance of a favorable state of the Earth system for humanity. This means that a planet outside this favorable state does not serve as our "Common House". The reality is that our planet is not just a geographic area of 510 million km2. If all planets have a geographical area, only the earth has a system intrinsically coupled with the physical planet, capable of sustaining life as we know it. From the legal point of view, the planet has only one existence as a territorial entity. This one-dimensional view excludes nature's most remarkable and vital expression - the functioning of the Earth System as life-supporting software. The Earth System is a single, global and intangible asset that finds no support in the rigidity of the current legal system.
This is the problem that will serve as a "background" for the discussion, trying to take another step in the construction of our "Common House".
Dia 1: University of Porto Rectory
Dias 2 e 3: Faculty of Law of the University of Porto
Maria Raquel Guimarães
Maria Regina Redinha
Paulo Magalhães