The Law School of the University of Porto and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice (CIJ) organise the
workshop "
The European Pillar of Social Rights: developments and perspectives", which will take place, in person, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto, on
12 November 2021.
In 2016, the initiative of the European Pillar of Social Rights ('ESDP') was launched by the President of the European Commission, which culminated with its proclamation on 17 November 2017, at the Gothenburg Summit. This Pillar is intended to be a 'compass' and set up a 'benchmarking' framework for the EU and Member States. Since then, several initiatives, strategies, plans and legislative harmonisation acts have followed, in order to develop and give density to the 20 proclaimed principles/rights. The Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council held a Social Summit on 7 and 8 May 2021, in Porto, where, in addition to the meeting of Heads of State and Government, it also convened the social partners, Academia and specialists from the most diverse areas, for a broad debate on "Social Europe".
The objective of this
workshop is, therefore, to disseminate the analysis already undertaken by the researchers involved and to carry out a practical work of critical reflection with the participants, on some of the developments that occurred, the analysis that is presented and the developments that lie ahead.
Graça Enes, Assistant Professor
Diogo Feio, Assistant Professor
Inês Neves, Visiting Assistant
DURATION: 1 (one) day - 10h00-12h30 / 14h30-17h30
By filling in
this form, until the
2nd of November.
Graduates and students of Law (finalists) and other related scientific areas (International Relations, European Studies, Economics, Sociology), magistrates, lawyers and legal professionals, Social Service and Education professionals, trade unionists and social entrepreneurs.
Number of participants: between 10 (minimum) and 20 (maximum).
The realisation of the course is subject to the registration of a minimum of 10 participants.
A certificate of attendance will be issued for those who participate fully in the workshop.