International Congress
Art hit the streets: the legal protection of graffiti
18 November 2021
Urban art is characterised by marginality, understood in its broadest sense. It constitutes a visual invasion of occupied/unoccupied, central/remote spaces, by performers in the creative environment. This marginality corresponds, on the one hand, to a latent illegality of the acts themselves (criminalised or driven to illicitness by a political choice in defence of rights related to property), but also by the manifestation of various socio-cultural elements that, as a rule, reside outside the mainstream of society - usually, portraying communities with no or little voice in traditional media.
While graffiti is often considered a crime/illegal act (misdemeanour), it is also true that it is considered a huge and plural artistic movement on a global level. Although it is of relatively recent origin in its current characterisation, it has evolved exponentially as a form of expression in the last decades, assuming its real artistic face: after invading the streets of cities all over the world, it has invaded art galleries. And the "graffitiers" started to be considered by society as artists, receiving such recognition (in reputation and financially).
This International Congress aims to answer some questions about street art in the fields of Civil and Criminal Law, not forgetting its criminal, sociological, cultural and economic approach.
The Congress is organised by CIJ - Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice, in partnership with CEI (Centre for Intercultural Studies), UFRGN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil), and FMP (Foundation School of Public Prosecution, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), and will take place at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto.
The programme can be consulted below and the registration form is available
You can attend in person (at FDUP) or online, through the following Zoom link:
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This Congress was
published in the Portal of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).