YEAR 2024 No 2 Volume 34

ISSN 2182-9845

On the constitutional compliance of the 2023 reform of the Portuguese Labour Code: critical analysis of the paper “Constituição e Agenda do Trabalho Digno” by Romano Martinez and Gonçalves da Silva

Gonçalo Sá Gomes


Unconstitutional; Dignified Work Agenda; prohibition of outsourcing; non-renounceable labour credits; union activity in the company; arbitration for the motivation of termination of collective agreements.


This paper aims to resolve some key questions of constitutional compliance of the reform of 2023 (the Dignified Work Agenda) of the Portuguese Labour Code. We will analyse the paper by Professors Romano Martinez and Gonçalves da Silva and attempt to contribute to the analysis of some of the most controversial measures of the reform – the prohibition of outsourcing (art. 338.º-A), non-renounceable labour credits (art. 337.º, n.º 3), union activity in the company (art. 460.º, n.º 2) and the arbitration for the motivation of termination of collective agreements (art. 500.º-A).

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