Cláudia Silva Castro
Keywords Consumer; consumer protection; consumer law; credit agreements for consumers; mortgage credit to consumers; APRC; Decree Law no. 133/2009; Directive 2014/17/EU
Antonio Lopo Martinez
Keywords Cooperative Compliance; Tax Administration; Taxpayer; Tax Advisor; Trust.
Alberto Hidalgo Cerezo
Copyright; Internet; Intellectual Property; Digital transition; Revenues; Piracy; Music; Video games; Movies.
José Ignacio Hernández G.
Keywords International investment arbitration; right to regulate; Global Administrative Law
David Falcão
Keywords Trial Period; Law n.º 93/2019; Law n.º 13/2023; Judgment n.º 318/2021.
Ranieri Bianchi
Keywords tenancy law; contract law; housing; rental market; housing market; tenures; stability; affordability.
Fernanda Andrade Almeida / Larissa Gil de Lima
Keywords Judiciary Power; Gender; Judicial decision; Feminization of legal careers; Brazil; legal professions.
Helena Mota
Keywords Matrimonial Property Regulation; European Union; Choice-of-Court Agreements; Jurisdiction.
Joana Campos Carvalho / Jorge Morais Carvalho
Keywords Alternative Dispute Resolution; CADR; Mediation; Arbitration; Consumer Law; Services of General Interest
Emanuele Cusa
Keywords Consortium; limited liability of members; profit and mutual purposes; company law
Fernando Silva Pereira
Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning Evidence; Evidence; Civil Procedure Law.
Sheila Soraya Dias Gomes Mendes
Keywords Mutual Evaluation; Money laundering; Terrorist financing; FATF; GIABA; FSRBs.
Ece Baş Süzel / Haluk Sinan Tandoğan
Mariana Cavalcanti Jardim
Keywords Insurance; Gross negligence; Directors and officers civil liability; Directors and officers’ liability insurance; D&O; Brazilian Law.
Alexandre de Soveral Martins
Keywords Family companies; Succession of the business; Articles of incorporation.
Alberto Hidalgo Cerezo
Keywords Net neutrality; EU 2015/2120 Regulation; BEREC; Guidelines; Open Internet; Digital Rights.
Tânia Vanessa Nunes Cardoso
Keywords Secrecy; Lawyer in-house, search; seizure; NRDJ; AdC
Raquel Sofia Ribeiro de Lima
Keywords Electronic Payments Instrument; Framework Contract for Payment Services; Internet; Homebankig; Fraud; Allocation of losses.
Francisco Liberal Fernandes
Keywords Abuse of successive fixed-term contracts; conversion of the employment contract; Order of the Court of Justice Câmara Municipal de Gondomar; Directive 1999/70; article 63rd of the LCTFP.
Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro
Keywords Right to privacy; Violation of human rights; Non-patrimonial damages; Gravity of violation; Seriousness of loss