Aristides Manuel da Silva Rodrigues de Almeida
Keywords Tort law; Unfounded claim of insolvency; Improper presentation; Procedural accountability; Liability in the case of intentionally or negligently; Compensation
Christian von Bar
Contract Law; Fundamental Rights; Contracts in Disrespect of Human Dignity; Law governing the Natural Person; Assisted Dying.
Alexandre Ferreira de Assumpção Alves / José Carlos Jordão Pinto Dias
Keywords Business contracts; Factoring; UNIDROIT Ottawa Convention, 1988; Brazil Business' Code Project; Contractual risks; Random contracts
Alicia Arroyo Aparicio
Keywords Consumer notion; Consumer protection Directives; European Regulation 1215; average consumer.
Esther Arroyo Amayuelas
Keywords Consumer credit; form of contract; form of pre contractual duties of information; breach of form and effects
Alexandre Ferreira de Assumpção Alves
Keywords Ordinary Refund; Bankruptcy; Property (Right of)
Miriam Anderson
Keywords Squatters; eviction; civil procedure; criminal offence; housing; illegal occupation.
Nelsone David Bechane Chapananga
Keywords Local authority; financial autonomy; sustainability.
Cristina Dias
Keywords Spouses debts; liability for debts; debt compensation between spouses.
Alexandre Ferreira de Assumpção Alves / Vitor Greijal Sardas
Keywords Commercial company; Resolution of the commercial company against one of the partners; Ascertainment of assets; Methods; Commercial Law; Brazilian Law.
Rui Filipe Gordete Almeida
Personal data; counter-performance; consumer; defect; digital content; digital services.
Bzhar Abdullah Ahmed / Hemdad Faisal Ahmad
Keywords Press Publishers; Digital Single Market Directive; Publishers’ Right; Freedom of Information; Neighbouring Rights.
Irene Merino Calle
Applicable law; patrimonial effects; unregistered partnerships; International Private Law; Regulation 2016/1104; European and national law.
Isa António
Keywords Public-Private Partnerships; Sustainability, Efficiency; “Value for Money”; “Public Comparator Sector”; National Health Service; Health; Social State
Isa António
Keywords Competition; Health Market Regulatory Authority of Health; Community Directives; Skills; Legal Consequences.
Ana Filipa Conceição / Catarina Frade / Lorenzo Benedetti / Monika Maśnicka / Ruben Hollemans / Ruben Jesus
Keywords Insolvency practitioners; insolvency; corporate restructuring; supervision; liability; European and national law.