Lucas Caminha / Alexandre Ferreira de Assumpção Alves
Keywords Business; Contracts; Real estate; Build-to-suit; Jurisprudence; CRI.
Paulo Magalhães
Keywords Climate Common Concern; Climate Common Heritage; Earth System law; Intangible Natural Heritage; Law in the Anthropocene.
Mariana Fontes da Costa
Keywords Housing credit; variable interest rate; negative interest rate; information duties; creditworthiness assessment; Decree-Law 74-A/2017.
Fábio Ulhoa Coelho
Keywords Competition Law, Brasilizn antitrust Law, Punishment for anticompetitive practices, Cartel
Luca Nogler /António Monteiro Fernandes (tradutor)
Keywords Contract of employment; work organisation; subordination; employer's powers.
João Zenha Martins
Keywords Professional training; internship contracts; no temporary needs; public contributions; costs of labour employment; employability.
Renato Lovato Neto
Keywords Alternative causation; Joint liability; Market share liability; Partial liability
Irene Merino Calle
Keywords Reconciliation; European law; Spanish law; Maternity leave; Paternity leave; Parental leave; Jurisprudence
Francisco Liberal Fernandes
Keywords Constitutional Court; flexible working time; annual leave; overtime; dismissal for inadaptation; collective agreements; Directives n.s 2003/88 e 2000/78
Mª Ángeles Parra Lucán
Keywords Case law; appeal, European Court of Justice; European Court of Human Rights
Maria Olinda Garcia
Keywords rental agreements with tourists; short-term rentals; local accommodation; connected contracts; housing; holiday accommodation.
Gustavo Ferraz de Campos Monaco
Keywords International families; marriage property regime; succession planning; available right; conflict of laws.
Luca G. Castellani
Keywords CISG; international sale of goods; UNCITRAL; European Union; Common European Sales Law; Portuguese-speaking countries
Paulo de Tarso Domingues
Keywords Secretary; private companies; public companies; general meetings
Ana Moreno Sánchez-Moraleda
Keywords Regulation 2016/1103; the matrimonial property regimes; the conflict of law rules; the nearby laws.
Rossana Martingo Cruz
Keywords Family mediation; lawyers; alternative dispute resolution; judiciary operators; justice administration; family mediator
Vera Lúcia Paiva Coelho
Keywords Consumer; Defective products; Strict liability; Development risks
Inês Neves
Keywords Principle of disciplinary coherence; Employees’ rights; Disciplinary authority; Disciplinary procedure; Discretion; Equal treatment.
Fábio Ulhoa Coelho
Keywords Legal principles; Preservation of economic activities; Interpretation of the law; Recovery of companies in crisis; Brazilian Law
Judith Morales Barceló
Keywords Verd corporate governance; reform; shareholder’s meeting; board of directors; companies; spanish law.