YEAR 2015 N.º 1

ISSN 2182-9845

Present and future of international family and succession relationships in European Union Law. The “state of the art”

Helena Mota


European Union; Private International Law; Conflicts of Law; international family relationships; international succession; professio iuris


On personal international relationships, especially on family relationships and succession field, has always been difficult to create uniform law both in a material or conflictual perspective. Over the past decade this difficulty was gradually overcome and were published several EU Regulations establishing uniform conflict of law rules. As expected, this has not been an easy task and consensus on matters such as divorce, property relationships between couples or the validity of the marriage were not achieved. Other materials should have been treated on a more harmonious and coordinated manner. There are questions that remain aside of legislative framework, gaps to be addicted. In this paper we intend to describe the “state of the art” and try to preview the future developments of the communitarisation of international family and succession relationships.