
José Domingo Portero Lameiro

Collaborator Researcher

José Domingo Portero Lameiro is involved in teaching and research activities at Universidade San Pablo CEU, Madrid (Spain). He is a member of the Grupo de Pesquisa SEJ-058 of the Plan Andaluz for I+D+i (PAIDI), registered in the Sistema de Informação Científica da Andaluzia (SICA). He is also the founder and coordinator of the Observatório Luso-Espanhol da Vigilância Aduaneira da Propriedade Intelectual. His research project titled "Copyright and the Magna Carta" was selected by Banco Santander in the "Young Ibero-American Professors 2014" competition. He is the author of several publications, including: The (Relative) Constitutionality of Copyright in Spain: Background and State of the Art (2016), Intellectual Property on Advertising Works: Towards a New Legislative Configuration in Spain (2017), all published by the prestigious publisher Dykinson.
He has also contributed to various collective works, such as: Rural Law (Glória Teixeira ed.) (2013), The Forest in Portugal: A Legal and Economic Study (Glória Teixeira ed.) (2015).
He is also part of the external review board of RED and the academic council of the Journal of Border Studies of the Strait of Gibraltar.
