YEAR 2018

ISBN 9789897461477

Warranty Administrative Law

Juliana Ferraz Coutinho, Ricardo Perlingeiro (coords.)



Contributions about the managed protection mechanisms

Table of contents

The University of Porto (UP), through its Faculty of Law and Faculty of Arts and Humanities, has a Cooperation Agreement with the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), in order to develop joint research activities and to hold scientific events. This partnership between the Faculty of Law of the UFF and the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the UP bore the first fruits in 2010, when, thanks to the Postgraduate Program in Administrative Justice (PPGJA), the 1st Workshop and the 1st Euro-American Seminar on Administrative Justice were organised, in Niteroi, with the participation of Brazilian and Portuguese researchers in the Information Sciences field.
Since then, four scientific events and four collective works were organised in Brazil and in Portugal.
This collaboration has now extended to another Research Line called Administrative Justice and Rule of Law, of the Postgraduate Program in Administrative Justice (PPGJA), and inserted in the Administrative Law CIJ-FDUP Research Line.
This publication is one of the outputs of this collaboration, bringing together a group of doctoral students and collaborators from both Law Schools, engaged in research related to the current challenges of administrative justice in Brazil and Portugal, with the purpose of creating an environment conducive to a comparative Portuguese-Brazilian perspective.

Juliana Ferraz Coutinho
Ricardo Perlingeiro
Alexandre Arruda
Carla Margarida Costa
Carmen Silvia Lima de Arruda
Flávia Martins Affonso
Joana Costa e Nora
Lívia Pitelli Zamarian
Pedro Jacob Morais
Sara Soares
Rita Barros
Victor Roberto Correa de Souza