The Law and the City - Street Art & Law


November 28, 2018

The ISCAP - Porto Higher Institute for Accounting and Administration held at the Library Group Reading Room the Workshop "The right to the city - street art & law", organized by CIJ/FDUP and CEI/ISCAP, Polytechnic Institute from Porto.
This event is part of the project "Legal protection of graffiti", and featured the following interventions:
14:00 - "The Right to the City and Urban Art as a manifestation of a right to use and appropriation of public space" - Professor Patrícia Guimarães (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil) and Professor Doctor Yanko Xavier (University Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil)
15:00 - “Is this street art?” - Professor António Oliveira (Center for Intercultural Studies, ISCAP/P.Porto & University of Vigo) and Professor Doctor Orlando Lima Rua (Center for Intercultural Studies, ISCAP / P.Porto)