Scientific Board

Paulo de Tarso Domingues

Integrated Researcher

Paulo de Tarso da Cruz Domingues
Lawyer at the Portuguese Bar Association since July of 1989 and Partner of Abreu Advogados, with offices at Oporto, Rua S. João de Brito,605 E, 4.º, 4100-455, in Portugal.
Education and University Experience
  • Graduation in Law at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, the Portuguese Catholic University (Oporto), in 1987;
  • Master’s Degree in Commercial and Business Law, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, with the thesis “Do Capital Social – Noção, Princípios e Funções”, in 1997;
  • Ph.D in Private Law, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oporto, with the thesis “Variações sobre o Capital Social”, in 2009;
  • Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Oporto, teaching among others the class of Business Law, since 1998;
  • Supervisor of several Ph.D and Master in several Thesis in Law;
  • Vice-President of the Council of Representatives (the main Faculty body) of the Faculty of Law of the University of Oporto and Vice-President of the Scientific Council of the same Faculty;
Professional Experience
  • President of the “Associação Direito das Sociedades em Revista”, Association of Companies’ Law; Member of the I.D.E.T. — Instituto do Direito das Empresas e do Trabalho, which is the Business and Labor Law Institute of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra;
  • Member of C.I.J.E — Centro de Investigação Jurídico Económica, which stands for Center of Juridical and Economical Investigation, of the Faculty of Law of the University of Oporto;
  • Member of the editorial board of the Magazine “Direito das Sociedades em Revista”;
  • Member of AIDA – Portugal, Portuguese Section of the International Insurance Law Association;
  • Member of the editorial board of the magazine “Ab Instantia”, by IAB – the Knowledge Institute of Abreu Advogados edited by Almedina;
  • Member of the editorial board of the magazine RED – “Revista eletrónica de Direito” which is the Electronic Law Magazine of the Faculty of Law of the University of Oporto;
  • Member of the APA – “Associação Portuguesa de Arbitragem”, the Portuguese Arbitration Association; Member of the ELI– European Law Institute
  • President of the General Meeting of several companies
  • Participation, as a president arbitrator and a part arbitrator, in many arbitral proceedings, often appointed by the President of the Tribunal da Relação do Porto, the Court of Appeal of Oporto
  • Arbitrator in several Arbitration Centers, such as the Center of Arbitration of the Commercial Association of Lisbon, the Center of Arbitration of the Commercial Association of Oporto, and the Center of Arbitration of the Portuguese-Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Publications and Conferences
Participation in many lectures, conferences, seminars, post-graduation courses and Master’s courses, essentially in the field of companies’ law, namely at the Faculty of Law of the University of Salamanca, at the University of East Timor, at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra, at the Portuguese Catholic University (Oporto and Lisbon), at the University of Minho Law School, at the Nova University of Lisbon, at the Portucalense University, at the Macaw’s Legislative Assembly, at the S. Paulo University, at the Bar Association and the Certified Public Accountants’ Association.
More than 60 articles and books published, especially on companies law. Among others:
  • Estudos de direito das sociedades, AAVV (coordinated by Coutinho de Abreu), Almedina, Coimbra, 2010 (10th edition), Coimbra, Almedina;
  • "O regime jurídico das sociedades de capitais em formação", Estudos em comemoração dos cinco anos (1995-2000) by the Faculty of Law of the University of Oporto, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2001;
  • "A vinculação das sociedades por quotas no Código das Sociedades Comerciais", Revista da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto, Ano I, Coimbra, Coimbra Editora, 2004;
  • "Os meios telemáticos no funcionamento dos órgãos sociais. Uma primeira aproximação ao regime do capital social", Reformas do Código das Sociedades, IDET, Almedina, 2007;
  • Variações sobre o capital social, Colecção Teses, Coimbra, Almedina, 2009;
  • Comment to several articles of the Código das sociedades em comentário, with 7 volumes, coordinated by Coutinho de Abreu, Coimbra, Almedina, 2010;
  • Translation of the article of G. B. Portale, "Sociedade de responsabilidade limitada sem capital social e empresário em nome individual com «capital destinado» (Capital social quo vadis?)", Direito das Sociedades em Revista, Ano 3, vol. 6 (Outubro 2011);
  • "O novo regime do capital social nas sociedades por quotas", Direito das Sociedades em Revista, Ano 3, vol. 6 (October 2011), Coimbra, Almedina;
  • "A «surpreendente» EIRELI (breves notas em torno da responsabilidade pessoal e empresarial)", in Temas Essenciais de Direito Empresarial – Estudos em Homenagem a Modesto Carvalhosa, Saraiva, São Paulo, 2012;
  • "No Par Value Shares in the Portuguese Legal System", European Business Organization Law Review (EBOR), vol. 13, issue 1, march 2012;
  • "O presidente da mesa da assembleia geral", III Congresso da Direito das Sociedades em Revista, Coimbra, Almedina, 2014;
  • "A reforma dos administradores", I Colóquio Internacional sobre o regime Jurídico da Administração das Sociedades, ebook, Almedina, Coimbra, 2014, pp. 17-30, available at  
Portuguese, English and French
