Webinar "Dialogues on the future of Artificial Intelligence Regulation"


14 February 2024

The DigEUCit - A Digital Europe for Citizens project team has the honour of inviting you to the Webinar "Dialogues on the future of Artificial Intelligence Regulation", during which researchers from the project and the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice (CIJ), and lecturers at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (FDUP), Graça Enes, Inês Neves and Tiago Morais Rocha, will present, in dialogue, the future Artificial Intelligence Regulation, as the product of a proposal by the European Commission, and the result of a long legislative process in the European Union.
In view of the expectation surrounding this AI Regulation, also known as the Artificial Intelligence Act, the community and all those interested are invited to take part in the dialogue, in a brief session that will take place online, on 14 February 2024 (Wednesday), at 3pm.
Participation is free, but registration is required here.
Registrants will be informed of their access details on the date of the webinar.