Short Course "De facto Union: formation, life and crisis. Substantive and procedural aspects in internal and international relations".

The most recent demographic data collected in Portugal (INE - Censos 2021/resultos definitivos) show that the percentage of the population living in Portugal in a de facto union is 11.2%, an increase of 38% compared to the data collected in 2011. On the other hand, the foreign population living in Portugal reaches 5.2% of the total population, which also shows an increase of 37% compared to 2011; the number of Portuguese who have lived abroad and returned to Portugal amounts to 1,608,094.
These data reveal the interest, timeliness and importance of the legal issues raised by life in a de facto union, its effects and the procedural rules that litigation arising from it, which are not limited to relationships exclusively linked to the Portuguese legal system, but cross borders due to the foreign nationality of the partner(s) living in Portugal or the residence (current, past or future) of Portuguese abroad.
Aware of this reality, the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto and the CIJ - Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Justice - organize the Short Course "De Facto Union: formation, life and crisis. Substantive and procedural aspects in internal and international relations" on March 15 and 16, 2023. It will be attended by distinguished speakers from prestigious Portuguese and foreign universities.
This short course is part of the research line "Family Relations and Succession" and the CIJ project "Family economic effects in the XXI century".
Format: face-to-face
Free entry upon registration through the following link: