YEAR 2021 N.º 2

ISSN 2182-9845

Labour Exploitation in the Textile Sector and the Consumer Right to Information: What Convergence?

Maria Miguel Oliveira da Silva


Textile sector; forced labour; child exploitation; the right to information; buycotting and boycotting; sustainability.


This article aims to make an analysis of the intersection between consumer law and human rights in the textile sector. By exposing the phenomenon of global labour exploitation in the clothing and footwear sector, it simultaneously seeks to understand whether the consumer has the right to be informed about the conditions under which the good he purchases is produced. Considering the current legislative background, specifically in consumer law, article 8 of the Portuguese Consumer Protection Act and the unfair commercial practices legal regime are analysed. In addition, the certification systems currently available are addressed, aiming to understand if their specific characteristics and their legal framework meet the purpose they are intended for in general and if, in particular, they prove to be useful in solving the problem of labour exploitation in the textile sector, namely by helping the consumer on the path to sustainability and to an effective buycott.