CIJ and the Scientific Committees of the PhDs in Criminology and Law at the FDUP announce the 1st edition of the Winter PhD Seminars, which aim to train doctoral students in transversal subjects that are essential for research and the development of skills. The seminar is also open to Master's students and senior researchers.
The first session will take place at 6pm on March 11, 2025, online (, featuring Rui Sousa Silva (CLUP & FLUP).
Registration here:
Rui Sousa-Silva is assistant professor of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, and researcher and Scientific Coordinator of the Centre for Linguistics (CLUP) of the University of Porto, where he conducts his research into Forensic Linguistics, especially in the areas of authorship analysis, plagiarism detection and analysis and cybercrime. He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the Master's in Translation and Language Services and Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Forensic Linguistics. He has a first degree in Translation and a Masters in Terminology and Translation, both awared by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, and a PhD in Applied Linguistics from Aston University (Birmingham, UK), where he submitted his thesis on Forensic Linguistics: ‘Detecting Plagiarism in the Forensic Linguistics Turn’. He studied cross-cultural attitudes to plagiarism, and proposed an approach to translingual plagiarism detection. He has also authored and co-authored several articles on (computational) authorship analysis, plagiarism detection and analysis of cibercriminal communications. He is co-editor of the international bilingual journal Language and Law / Linguagem e Direito (with Malcolm Coulthard) and of the 2nd edition of 'The Routledge Handbook of Forensic Linguistics', published by Routledge (with Malcolm Coulthard and Alison May). He acted as chair of the 'Computational Linguistics' working group of the COST Action LITHME - Language in the Human-Machine Era (2020-2024).
The second session is scheduled for March 17th.